You are awesome, even when things get tough

I have seasonal depression in the Spring.

I know. The season of sunny days, blooming flowers, and warm weather is when I feel the worst.

How very rude. Couldn’t my seasonal depression be in the winter when everyone feels like crap?

My house is a wreck. I feel inexplicably sad and exhausted. I’m struggling to show up fully for my clients.

It feels like there’s a wool blanket behind my eyes, a heavy sheet that nothing can pass through.

The good news is, I know this is seasonal. The good news is, I’m already on an antidepressant, so this year isn’t as bad as previous years.

And most importantly, I know that my depression has nothing to do with my value, worth, or competence.

The same is true for you.

Life happens. Stuff gets hard. Shit hits the fan and splatters all over your face, your walls, and your brand new couch.

We are not robots. We have brains and bodies and relationships that grow and change, ebb and flow.

It is unreasonable to expect ourselves to show up in top form every single day.

Keep this in mind in relation to your novel.

Goals and deadlines and habits are wonderful and can be helpful, but they are not meant to be arbiters of judgment and retribution.

Your writing should adjust to your needs.

Adjusting your writing timeline and goals does not mean you are abandoning your book or failing.

Stepping back so you can care for yourself is not a weakness, it is a strength.

You are the roots of your story, and your story can only be as healthy as you are.

So if you are struggling right now, remember these things:

  1. You are not alone.

  2. You are exactly where you need to be.

  3. Your story will wait for you.

You are awesome, even if you feel like shit.

P.S. Check out this live I did on Instagram about my depression


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