When I Punched a Bestselling Author

Okay, I didn’t actually punch this author, but I wanted to shake my angry fist at her.

Let me tell you the story.

My spectacular local library has a literary festival each year. I kid you not, the True Lit Fest is one of the highlights of my year. A few years ago, I attended a talk by a multi-published, best-selling author. I hadn’t read this woman’s books, but I enjoyed hearing her speak about researching the novels, the growth of her writing journey, and connecting with readers.

All was destroyed, though, when someone asked a simple question, “Do you have any tips for aspiring novelists?” Her response? You need an inborn level of skill to make it as a published author.



How dare she! I wanted to jump up in the middle of that room and shout, “Don’t listen to her lies! Shut your ears to her deception!

I could not disagree with this author more.

No one is born a good writer. No one is even born a writer. Like everything else, writing is a learned skill. First, we learn to speak, then we learn to hold a pen, shape letters, compose sentences, and spell. And that’s only phase one. If you want to publish books people want to read, you have to learn all manner of things, from genre conventions to scene structure to character growth to pacing. No part of that is inborn.

Yes, as individuals we may be more inclined to lyrical language or symbolism, character growth or worldbuilding, but the ability to tell an impactful story? That is 100% a learned skill.

I suspect that this writer’s “inborn” skill was actually the rare ability to pick up story technique from merely reading novels. This writer wasn’t born knowing how to tell a story, she learned it by experiencing good stories.

When we see someone who appears to know story innately, it’s tempting to wonder whether we have what it takes. Does our DNA prevent us from writing? Will we ever be good enough? Should we just stop trying?

No, yes, and no.

Want to know the only things you need to write an impactful story?

First, you need the willingness to learn. Second, you need the perseverance to keep trying.

I promise, you can learn everything you need to know. Will it be easy? Hell no. Will it be quick? Definitely not.

But you’re not missing some fabled writing gene. Authors are not born, they are made, and you are an author in the making.

If you’ve been feeling discouraged in your writing, check out this ten-second video I made for you.


Do you know this essential thing about your novel?


You are awesome, even when things get tough