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Books In the Time Of Trump
I want to say I’m shocked that Trump was reelected, but I’m not. I used to be deeply religious, and while I was never a christian nationalist, I understand how moving outside what you’re told is true feels like it puts you in danger of, well, hell.
But I still have hope.
Why Write a Book? Self-Discovery.
Whether you're just starting your writing journey or embarking on a path of self-discovery, remember this: be curious, be kind, and above all, be brave. Your story is waiting to be told, and it's through the journey of self-discovery that you'll find the courage to tell it.
What Now? Top 4 Goals After NaNoWriMo.
I did NaNo for the first time in 2017. I wrote over 50,000 words and finished my first manuscript a few weeks later. It was invigorating. Exciting. I was so proud of myself. But let me tell you, that beautiful book baby was not ready to be published.