I’m not the coach for you

Look, it’s not always a love match.

I know I’m not the right coach for every writer. I can be too emotional, too slow, too crass, too political.

If you’re not into me, that’s okay.

Need help knowing if we’re a good match?

Here’s a checklist to help:

You’re writing for good.

And by good I mean trans rights, LGBTQIA2S+ freedom, ending white supremacy and racism, working for more equity and justice.

Writing for good means writing for greater understanding, connection, love, and justice for people of ALL races, classes, sizes, genders, orientations, religions, minds, bodies…

Because we are all fucking invaluable and deserve all the good things.

This point is non-negotiable for me.

You’re comfortable with swearing.

Cause I do it a lot these days.

You want to learn more about yourself.

Self-discovery is the core of my coaching. I believe you discover your story as you discover yourself and that you can only be as honest with your reader as you are with yourself.

So you’ve got to be willing to look inside and figure out what the hell is going on in there.

You believe that writing deep is more important than writing fast.

There’s nothing wrong with writing fast, but rapid publishing isn’t your highest priority. What you most want is to write a book that means something, and you know that takes time. YOu want to give yourself the gift of writing slow.

You value making an impact over gaining accolades.

I mean, accolades would be nice, but landing a dream agent, signing a seven-figure book deal, and making the NYT Bestseller List aren’t what you’re most concerned about. What you really want is to tell the truth and speak to your reader on an emotional level.

If you checked all five…

Click here to let me know! Cause that will make me really excited.

If you couldn’t check them all…

It’s okay if we’re not a fit. Not everyone is. I truly wish you all the best on your writing journey.

For those of you sticking around, I’m so excited you’re here!


You are awesome, even when things get tough


Don’t Follow the Muse. Follow a Plan.