Writing and Editing Tips

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The #1 Thing to Do Before NaNoWriMo: Find Your Novel’s Point
Dani Jernigan Dani Jernigan

The #1 Thing to Do Before NaNoWriMo: Find Your Novel’s Point

NaNoWriMo is a wonderful way to make rapid progress on your story, to prove to yourself that you’re a writer, and to finally write that damn book!

But the 50,000 words you write for NaNo can sometimes turn into a tangled heap you get snarled inside.

If you plan to participate in NaNoWriMo, there’s one thing I want you to do first: find your novel’s point.

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Writing Tip: Be Specific
Dani Jernigan Dani Jernigan

Writing Tip: Be Specific

If you want your reader to remember your book, you need to be specific.

Sometimes, we think being broad will reach more people because it’s more relatable, but really, when we are general, we speak to no one.

It’s when we are specific that we connect with people.

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You are smart enough to write your novel
Dani Jernigan Dani Jernigan

You are smart enough to write your novel

I hear this from my clients a lot. They think that because they’re overwhelmed or are moving slowly in their novel, it means they’re not smart enough to write their story.

That is a lie from the pit of story hell.

You are smart enough to tell your story.

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