You are smart enough to write your novel

I hear this from my clients a lot. They think that because they’re overwhelmed or are moving slowly in their novel, it means they’re not smart enough to write their story.

That is a lie from the pit of story hell.

You are smart enough to tell your story.

Here is the thing, writing a novel is a lot. There are so many elements you have to keep straight:

  • Characters with their unique personalities and backstories and arcs.

  • Worldbuilding—politics and magic and species, oh my!

  • Plot—What’s the “Low Point” again and where should it go?

Throw in line editing, pacing, plot holes, and beta readers, and it’s no wonder we can feel like we aren’t smart enough to sort it all out.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed on your writing journey. That overwhelm isn’t evidence of your intelligence. Where you struggle is where you grow, so if your novel is giving you headaches, it means you’re making progress.

Here’s what’s actually happening when you feel like you aren’t smart enough to write your novel:

1. You’re learning.

Everyone has to learn to write a novel. No one is born knowing how. Writing a novel requires learning all kinds of new skills, and that’s hard. But guess what, you are learning those skills, and I think that makes you pretty smart.

2. You’re making your novel better.

When you’re challenged by an aspect of your story—the protagonist’s character arc or how the magic system works—it means you’re putting in the effort to make your story good. Instead of ignoring the stuff that’s off, you’re fixing it. Often, we feel most frustrated just before the breakthrough. Keep going, [$name]. Your hard work will pay off.

3. You’re confronting the voices of your past.

You know a surefire way to trigger the mean voices in your head? Pour your heart and soul into an excruciatingly slow, years-long project with very little external progress. At some point, all those doubts and fears of your past are gonna get LOUD. But just because they’re loud doesn’t mean they’re true. What they don’t know is… 👇

4. You’re normal.

When you write a novel, you have to hold a million things in your head. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. It’s normal to feel stuck. But that doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It means you’re a writer. High five, my friend, and welcome to the club. We’ll get through this together.

Please, please don’t believe that cruel voice saying you aren’t enough. We need your story, and you are smart enough to write it.


Writing Tip: Be Specific


Have you given up on your dream?